Wednesday 29 February 2012

Entryway Bench Part 5 - Cutting Corners

This week is all about corners.  First we'll look at where the storage bottom shelf will rest in the legs.  The options were to cut out the shape of the legs in the corners of the shelf or to cut out the shape of the shelf in the legs.  In order to make it a little easier  I opted to do ...both?

It's a little hard to see here but the dado the drawer bottom is going to fit into is cut across the leg at a 45 degree angle. 

Here I do some dry fitting and measure the actual length that the storage bottom needs to be.
And here I do the same thing to get the actual width.  I waited until the build was at this point to do the measuring instead of relying on the measurements from my SketchUp drawing just in case some of the dimensions were changed along the way.  I was a little surprised to find the dimensions turned out exactly the same!
The MDF storage bottom is cut to size on the table saw and the corners are cut off Battlestar Galactica style.
The storage bottom fits like a glove.  Notice the broken figure where one of the longer side pieces got away from me during assembly.
This feels like an appropriate place to stop for now.  Cheers!

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