Wednesday 1 February 2012

And In This Corner! (Memory Box pt4)

Two jabs and and uppercut later...a box jointing jig is victorious in a TKO fight against hand cut dovetails.

This project is very angular and box joints felt like the right design choice.  They are very strong, provide some visual interest with the contrast of the end grain and long grain wood, plus they're easy to make with a simple jig.

I'm sorry I didn't take more pictures of the jig in use because it's so simple to use but now I realize, hard to explain.

This will do a better job than any wall of text I could possibly put here.  Just keep hitting the 'Next' button button.  Box Jointing Jig.


Now that the sides are done, exact measurements can be taken to cut the top and bottom to the right size.
After being cut to size rabbits are cut around the edges of the panels to fit snugly into the grooves.
Now the sanding will commence!  The inside surfaces of the box are sanded down to 220 grit now while they are easily accessible.

Next post should be dry fitting and glue up.  Cheers!

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