Wednesday 15 February 2012

The Big Finish (Memory Box pt6)

The finish came out almost as smooth as glass.  Boiled Linseed Oil went down first, then layers of shellac, four on the sides and five on the top.  The last layer of shellac went on around 9am the same day the box was being gifted.

The gift went over extremely well and definitely generated some conversation at the engagement party.
You can't put a price on something made for close friends but given the hours that went into this project vs. what I make at my day job, plus materials, this box is worth approximately $1100.  My wife is quick to point out that $1100 doesn't include the overhead of the thousands of dollars of tools she's purchased for me to make this possible.  The look on our friends faces when they get a one of a kind gift like this makes it all very worth it.

-Quote: "Now can you finish MY bench?" - Attributed to Mrs. G


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