Friday 5 August 2011

Previous Projects

I'll start off with some pictures of projects I've completed to date. They aren't necessarily wood working related but I figure the skills are transferable and will serve as a baseline of what I was capable of starting out.

1) I have a thing for video game racing and this x-box racing wheel stand was as fun to build as it is to lose races on! It features a lot of lap joints and a few dados. It's made of MDF and is very nicely balanced for use on a hardwood floor. I later made one as a gift with a slightly larger base to use on carpet.

2) We had limited space and a simple vertical entertainment center shelf allows just enough room to open the basement door without bashing anything expensive. This is the second version of this shelf. The first one was made of 1/2 MDF and was substantial overkill. This 1/4 MDF version is lighter and doesn't scream, "HEY I'm a big blocky MDF shelf sitting next to an antique desk! Look at me!".

3) I used to do battle with the carpet on these stairs until they eventually killed my vacuum. We retaliated with a set of new treads and risers from Home Depot.

4) All houses come some assembly required, don't they? Floor to ceiling sliding panel closet doors from the sixties were replaced with new built in closets.

6) The shelves in the hallway needed some dressing up. Here they are in they're new duds.

6) Water + basement = a lot of trips to the dump. Perhaps a complete basement remodel too. New floors drywall and a rebuilt closet for the water heater was the starting point. Two trap doors in the ceiling and some new shelves for the laundry room gave me a chance to make some sawdust.

Well now we're all caught up. House hold renovations are slowing down and I'd like to spend some more time building furniture. My next project is going to be some bench seating for the entry way.

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