Wednesday 21 March 2012

Entryway Bench Part 7 - Assembly

It's time to get some of this stuff glued together!  We'll start with the bench top so it can continue to be worked on while the rest of the bench is glued theory.  (In actual fact nothing happened to while the bottom of the bench sat in clamps for about two weeks.)

So here's the top of the bench clamped between cauls to keep it flat and with a good portion of my brand new pipe clamp collection holding the pieces tightly together.

I labeled the joints with a sharpie to avoid confusion while gluing and clamping.  The last thing I needed was to glue the pieces together backwards or upside down.

Sometimes a snug fitting joint becomes a little tight when glue is applied.  Notice the Ikea assembly tool in the picture below.
Now for the hard part.  Tip: Grow extra arms, get a helper or use glue with a long working time when assembling this many pieces.  I of course did none of those things.

It all worked out!
Now with the base glues up the seat can be measured out to exactly the right dimensions.


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